In the Kitchen with Chef Doughty

Learn how to make delectible Roasted Garlic two ways, and discover ten ways to use your roasted garlic in various dishes!…


When life hands us lemons, Chef Doughty makes Lemon Curd!…

‘Tis the Season for Whipped Cream!

Perfect your holiday desserts; learn the secret to making home made whipped cream with Chef Doughty!…

In the Kitchen with Chef Doughty

The perfect pie starts with the perfect pastry. Learn Chef Doughty’s number one secret to perfecting your favorite holiday desert.…

Family Favorite Fall Dessert

Learn how to make Sour Cream Apple Squares with Chef Doughty!…


This versatile crowd pleaser is both simple and impressive. Follow along with our local pro and learn how to make these beautiful chocolate croissants!…

In the Kitchen with Chef Doughty

The name jackfruit may not ring a bell at first, but is surely one of the most unique, plant-based, and delicious foods you can find when done correctly! Learn more about how to spice up your menu by using jackfruits in this month’s recipe video!…

Portobello Mushrooms with Chef Doughty

Both delicious and versatile; learn the simple steps to grilling Portobello Mushrooms! BONUS – find the full recipe for the Grilled Vegetable Baguette mentioned in the video.…

White Sauce with Chef Doughty

Learn how to make the perfect white sauce and 5 creative ways to use it!…

Roasted Asparagus with Chef Doughty

Learn how to make roasted Asparagus with our very own, Chef Doughty!…