LEAP Charities is the sister nonprofit to Property People, a real estate team operating under Silvercreek® Realty Group. Learn more about their commitment to elevate our Idaho communities.
Founded by Bart Cochran and Chad Hansen LEAP Charities (Love, Empowerment, And Partnership) mission is to develop and preserve affordable housing while providing empowering services that lead to greater housing stability. LEAP Housing is a Boise-based nonprofit who believes all people deserve an opportunity to access a safe, stable and affordable home. They accomplish their mission in five ways; operation of a temporary housing program as a soft landing, connection of renters to home buying resources, research on affordable housing trends and solutions, development and management of affordable housing, and preservation of existing affordable housing. LEAP’s vision is to transform communities with hope, connection, and secure housing.
LEAP is working day in and day out to help families of all backgrounds to find security in their housing needs. Be it providing clean, safe and affordable welcome housing for some of our world’s most marginalized people; developing attractive and affordable housing for some of our community’s most impoverished at 30% or below of the median income; preserving existing manufactured housing in the face of development; or assisting folks who think homeownership is out of their reach.
LEAP has stayed busy providing and preserving affordable housing in the Treasure Valley. Attached here is a link to an article and video that Channel Six did on our Caritas Commons homes. This shows the growth of LEAP’s Housing Trust from bare land to six finished homes. They are gearing up to begin construction on the next eight homes in the coming weeks and are looking forward to providing affordable housing to eight more Treasure Valley homeowners!
LEAP is the nonprofit of the month of May for Croquetas for a Cause, generously put on by the Basque market! The Idaho Gives campaign for 2022 starts on May 2, which will benefit nonprofits across the entire state of Idaho. Wrapping up the campaign, LEAP will be one of the nonprofits celebrating at the Lost Grove BFF Block Party on May 5.
Lastly, construction is underway on their Taft Street Project! This will be two single family rental homes on land owned by the Collister United Methodist Church. LEAP is excited for construction to begin. Slowly but surely getting that much closer to providing two stable housing opportunities for the Valley!