Silvercreek Realty Group is proud to partner with Capitol Contemporary Gallery to bring you a local Featured Artist each month. This month, meet Idaho artist Linda Williams.
Linda Williams grew up in Idaho where she skied Bogus, rode with the Chacoda riders, played tennis, painted under Helen Hart, went to Boise High School and Boise State University. She feels fortunate to live here as Idaho’s attributes give her ample material for artistic inspiration.
We asked Linda a few questions about her journey in the arts…
Where did it all start?
I come from a traditional family where art, as a career, is looked upon suspiciously. Consequently I went to Dartmouth College as an Economics major who took English courses. But art lurked in my life always and I finally committed at age thirty to its singular pursuit.
How have our Idaho communities inspired you as an artist?
This exhibit is typical of my subject matter as Idaho is a common denominator. But Idaho is a buffet table. Mountains, deserts, rivers, family, horses, lakes etc. constitute it’s make-up. I am a fourth generation Idahoan and this state touches my soul.
For the past five months I have worked solely on this exhibit. It has been a mentally and physically challenging project. As I’m given to self-criticism, the opportunities for such have been endless. I thank my studio mates for keeping me positive. My learning curve has been steep in terms of honing and becoming comfortable with my painting technique. I look forward to applying it to future projects.
More painting!!